TigerJython 3 Beta
A first beta version of TigerJython 3 is now available
We are happy to announce the release of our new Desktop version TigerJython 3 in its beta version, which can be downloaded from GitHub. Sporting a new sleak user interface, we kept all that makes TigerJython great such as the error messages or the extensive collection of libraries.
The new version is geared more towards the user interfaces familiar to students from web browsers. For instance, files no longer need to be explicitly saved and reopened, but are managed automatically by TigerJython. Using the modern JavaFX platform means that TigerJython should cope better with high resolution displays, and it allows you to control its scaling to make it work perfectly for your setup.
In addition to the classical TigerJython, any other Python interpreter that is installed on your system may be used, too. You can even download your programs directly to a Micro:bit or Calliope Mini to execute them on the device. This allows you to seamlessly scale your teaching from simple Turtle Graphics up to sophisticated data science applications and thus utilise Python's full potential.
Your Python programs will be executed in separate processes each. In case anything goes wrong, the editor is no longer affected and even if your program crashes, you can still edit and amend your source code.
Some older or more obscure features were removed or are in the process of being completely overhauled. For instance, we are working on a new debugger with improved visualisation and control. The familiar libraries, however, all stayed the same and are available as ever, although we plan to modernise them in the future as well.
Finally, TigerJython may be extended using plugins and is fully open source. It can thus be customised to your specific use case if needed. However, we explicitly invite all users to send us feedback about any issues or feature requests.
- Download the Beta, Version 1:
https://github.com/Tiger-Jython/TigerJython/releases/tag/v3.0-beta%2B1 - [March 18, 2023] Update: Beta, Version 2 has just been released: